Just did a tiny bit of cooking today, in place of the originally-planned skating since the weather was so nasty. Going to try a dessert sometime this week, I'm thinking of Crème brûlée but I'll need to get hold of a hand-held torch - no nasty broiling for me! Also vaguely thinking of doing up a chili con carne, just to use up the ground beef I've got sitting in the freezer. It's either that or steak-and-kidney meatballs, hah. Ewww ... chili con carne. Reminds me of those horrid Morrisons dinners I had.
Went for more salsa tonight ... omg, I really must bitch about this bitch. Imagine this - oldish (early 50s) woman who thinks she can dance, but totally can't. I'm perfectly fine with followers who aren't GOOD followers, but a follower who can't dance and tries to lead the lead? (Originally inserted something exceeding rude here). Anyway, I MADE SURE she couldn't lead me. Everytime she tries to, I GRABBED her hand and led her FORCEFULLY. MY WAY. It most probably hurt her (and good riddance if it did), but then again she was utter rubbish during the lesson. Trying to sway the wrong way all the time. Hope she quits.
Hmm. Monday blues starting to come in. It was momentarily offset by the endorphins, but now it's back. Ah. It didn't help that the Thomson Jazz Band was playing amazing pieces at that place, and by the time I ended Salsa, they were gone. Alas! Too late for some impromptou swinging outside the function hall, hahahahahahahaha. Locals need to just loosen up and dance when there's good music.
Oh. I forgot. You get arrested. Dance license and all that shit.
Hello, hello! Secret Police?
Gourd Update
The ridiculous phallus has grown to alarming proportions (it's almost a metre long right now, and STILL growing), and I was extremely nonplussed this week, due to neighbours coming round and asking about the Vegetable Penis. First off, it is NOT my plant. And how DARE they interrupt me when I'm wrapping up my precious venus flytraps to put them into a cold dormancy?
As you can tell, I'm highly-distressed, irritable and grouchy right now. Alarming swing in moods.
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